Monday, April 7, 2014

I'm in a Stall....Grrrrr

Its been six long weeks since I've lost a pound.  Seriously.  I'm so annoyed.  I'm eating right, and nothing is changing.  This is the longest stall I've had since my surgery.  It's pretty normal for me to stall for a few weeks and then lose a bunch overnight.  It sort of goes in stair steps for me.  I think this is a fairly normal progression for lots of folks.  I'm not sure whats different about this?  I'm 164lbs now.  I'm 29 pounds from my goal weight, and the weight loss seems much more difficult now.  I know that if I stick to my plan, and keep my calories managed and my protein intake high, the weight will come off.  But, I'm still frustrated. 

I physically feel great right now.  I definitely have tons more energy than I ever did before surgery.  I'm not even sure how I carried around all that weight every day?  No wonder I was always tired.  I see my doctor in a few weeks to check my labwork and have an evaluation of how I'm doing so far.  I'm looking forward to talking to him about my progress. 

Even though I'm grumpy about being the same weight for the past six weeks, when I look at the big picture I am so happy with how far I've come this year.  This time last year, I was doing the preparatory classes and legwork to get my insurance to approve my surgery.  I couldn't have imagined how well I'd do at this point. 

A few things have changed, like...

I'm wearing medium sized womens clothing now.  I used to be a XXL.
I've bought bras at Victoria's Secret! (the secret really is that fat girls can't shop here.)
I can walk up a flight of stairs without being winded at all.
I can actually run now without feeling like I'm going to die.
I can sit in an airplane seat without spilling over the edges and maxing out the seatbelt.
People smile at me more now.  (Sad, but true.)
People I know, don't recognize me at first.  I love when this happens.
I'm looking forward to buying a bathing suit for this summer for the first time in 20 years!
I've given my entire wardrobe to charity.
I've looked at myself in the mirror and thought I was pretty. (this is HUGE)
I feel good consistently.
I'm sleeping better.

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