Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Newest Favorite Thing - Podcasts!

While my "favorite things" aren't quite as elaborate or awe inspiring as Oprah's, I still feel like you should know about them.  (All two of you who actually read this.)

One of my new favorite things is a podcast by Reeger Cortell, FNP- C called "Weight Loss Surgery Podcast". You can find it here: I was able to quickly go to the podcast app on my iphone and download multiple episodes in a matter of minutes.

I'm feeling particularly blessed, because the show's host, Reeger Cortell is a Nurse Practitioner in my bariatric surgeons office that is involved with my care.  She told me about her podcast venture on a recent visit to have my labwork checked.  I'm so grateful to her that she mentioned it to me, as it's truly become something I value in my journey to become a better me.

I have a crazy work schedule and spend a great number of hours behind the wheel driving to different destinations.  Listening to this podcast has been a great way for me to stay engaged, listen to something interesting and ultimately healing and helpful, and pass the time while I drive. 

I really enjoy Reeger's calm demeanor and insight as a host.  She has a wealth of information and wisdom from her years in medicine, and specifically caring for those who struggle with weight loss and all the emotional, physical, and surrounding issues that effect her patients. The podcasts often include interviews with patients, physician experts, and others who contribute to the overall care of patients who are involved in the weight loss surgery process.

As a person who has struggled for years with my own demons regarding weight loss, it has been incredible for me to listen to Reeger's interview with patients on subjects like emotional eating, what we believe and our own self-talk, and our fears as we approach subjects like the possibility of going under the knife.  The first two episodes I listened to had me in tears, because I could relate so much to what was being said and it really hit home for me. I am a rare weight loss surgery patient, as I never attended the "in-person" required support group meetings.  I had my surgery out of town, and my physician agreed to allow me to skip his support group due to my travel distance under the condition that I'd find another group to attend in person or online.  I have been faithfully participating online speaking to others through the (which I'd also highly recommend) and I find that listening to this podcast is also an equally valuable source of camaraderie and information.

If you are struggling to get fit, feel healthy, might be considering weight loss surgery at all, I'd suggest that you listen to this podcast.  Its well done, very good information, and one of my new favorite things!

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